Lebanon Climate Act (LCA) is a platform that brings all non-state climate leaders together to assist Lebanon in achieving the country’s climate change ambition.
Across Lebanon an increasing number of businesses, cities, municipalities and other “non-state actors” are taking concrete action to fight climate change, and at the same time growing the economy and making a difference in people’s lives.
If you are a business, municipality, syndicate, hospital, school, university, NGO, or any other non-state actor with the ambition to act on climate change, you can become a Lebanon Climate Act member. Climate action is not only good for the planet, but also makes business sense.
Join us! Sign the LCA Pledge! Get to know climate leaders like you and collaborate to transform Lebanon into a modern and prosperous low-carbon economy that can compete in the market of tomorrow.
The science is clear. Climate change is one of the most severe manmade threat facing human civilization. If not addressed quickly, climate change will lead to food and water shortage, increase diseases, destabilize global security and the reverse all efforts to eliminate poverty.
Climate action makes business sense. Action to combat climate change is an opportunity for growth and development. Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing sectors globally. It has become cheaper than fossil fuels in majority of countries. It also employs more individuals per kwh than conventional sources of energy. At the same time, climate change impacts our businesses, and is costly. Therefore, climate change action can reduce costs, and prepare institutions for future markets.
Everyone is taking climate action. We have no choice. We all need to act on climate change to secure a future for upcoming generations. Thousands of businesses and cities all around the world have committed to bold climate action. They organize their own climate summits and are pushing their governments for greater climate ambition. The non-state actors’ community (business, cities, religious institutions, etc.) are now at the for front of the fight against climate change.
Therefore, we, as Lebanese non-state actors, are also joining the climate fight, and are committing to the following:
- Take all possible opportunity to reduce my greenhouse gas emissions and transform into a sustainable source of energy.
- Be aware of the future climate impacts that are related to my institution and take steps to adapt to them.
- Develop a climate action strategy within a year from signing this pledge, and work on implementing it.
- Include climate change information in all our internal and external communication, and build awareness on the issue among employees, partners, and clients.
- Become Ambassadors on climate change and encourage others to take bold climate action.